Papa Prevs' Challenges...
One million steps in the month of March.
March 2025 I will be walking /running over a million steps and posting on my website and Facebook page my daily step progress.
This challenge will be for Autism Guernsey.
How will I manage this challenge
I will need to cover 25,000 steps a day on the weekdays (Monday to Friday, "I will be at work") there are 21 weekdays days in this month, this amount equates to 525000 steps. The weekend days 'of which there are 10 days' l will need to cover 50,000 steps each day, this equates to 500,000 steps. If l can keep to this step count l should hit my goal of the one million steps in the month of March. I will post my step count daily on my website and on my Facebook page.
My day starts at 3.30am with running or strength training and l rest for one days recovery, this is a normal beginning of the day for me, l am usually asleep by 8.30pm so that l get my seven hours sleep. ln the month of March 2025 l will be out running by 4.00am and by 5.00am l would have run 5 miles equalling 10'000 steps, my weekend daily runs will be 15 miles (about two and a half hours) equalling 30'000 steps.
My average daily step count over the past three years has been 15'000, so this should cover my weekdays ok, just need to walk the dogs a little extra on the weekends to make the 50,000 goal for each weekend day. No recovery days will be taken within the month.
You can all join in on the challenge in two ways, you can enter the competition set out below and you can also join me in counting the steps you take in the month of March, there will be a prize giving evening in April 2025.
prizes will be given out for:
The most steps taken by a single person, "this will not be me".
The oldest person with the most steps "this will not be me also".
The youngest person with the most steps.
The most steps taken by a family
Prize for closest steps l take and miles l cover.
Prize for the closest amount of steps l take.
Prizes for the closest miles l cover.
You must make a donation to Autism Guernsey to be illegible for a prize
To enter the step count just email or WhatsApp a picture of you and your proof of steps covered in the month of March by April the 8th.
Prizes will appear for each category on the website over the next few months
1. l will be doing more than a million steps as l will not be able to finish dead on the million, it may be just a few steps more '1'000'030' or it maybe quite a few more '1025'000' what you will need to do is guess make a prediction on how many over the million l will do. Also you will need to predict/guess how many miles you think l may cover over the 31 days of March.
Rules of competition
1. Make a donation to Autism Guernsey.
2. When entering your name and message on the Autism Guernsey JustGiving site add your prediction on the amount of steps and then the mile like so (1234 steps 480 miles) you don't need to put 1,001,234 just put the steps you think I will cover over the million.
3. Your name and predictions will show on the JustGiving site with the date you made your donation, this will help if someone else predicts the same (very unlikely though) and l will let them know.
4. Email, WhatsApp or message me with your prediction/guess, l will then contact you to say your prediction has been entered into the competition. Email: papaprev1962@gmail.com Phone: 07781100964
5. List of predictions will be put up on this website, so please check the list before making your donation and prediction.
6. PLEASE NOTE the last day a prediction/guess (to join the competition) can be made when making your donation is the 23rd of March 2025. please feel free to make a donation after this date but you will not be able to join the list.
7. Please click on the link below to Autism Guernsey JustGiving Page to make you donation and add your predictions for steps and miles.
Prediction/guess list
My name is Mark Prevel and In 1993 at the age of 31 I was diagnosed with chronic emphysema, three years later I had three surgical procedures that ultimately meant I am here with you today. I'd never have dreamt that I would live this long, now I would love to give back to those amazing people who got me this far.
I have set out a series of challenges to with which I can generate donations to three amazing causes. Royal Papworth Hospital, whom the doctors, nurses and support staff gave me my life today, Lungevity and the Frossard Ward with all of whom provide critical support for others in need.
I have now written a book called "Why the hell am l doing this" it has now been printed and is on sale. The second book is now evolving and is to be named "How the hell did l do that".
I would just like to say a big thank you to the Folk involved in helping me bring the book to life, firstly Colin the editor who has managed to translate my blah blah blah into a very delightful and inspirational read and for the amazing art work that went into designing the cover, Justine Torode who has brought the book to life with her cool sketches, Simon who prof read it over and over again and Printed in Guernsey for bringing the book to life after a year long journey that started with a random "pub" meeting Christmas of 2020.
Every penny from the sale of the book will be going to our chosen charities due to me winning the Pride of Guernsey awards for Overcoming Diversity, this event is staged every year by our local newspaper the Guernsey Evening Press, the winning prize was £1000 which was kingly donated by Close Finance and has paid for the first printing of the book.
The book is available at the following outlets in Guernsey, Forest Road Garage forecourt, in town at the Information Centre and the book shop in the arcade "Writer's Block.
If you would like the book sent directly to you, please email me at papaprev1962@gmail.com and l will arrange with you via email how we can do this for you.
If you should need to contact me in person:
email: papaprev1962@gmail.com
phone: 07781 100 964
Please feel free to follow my daily fitness activities on Strava or hit the Facebook button for more information.
Total donated £6500
Challenges so far in the calendar...
11/01/2021 walk two lengths of the south coast cliffs of Guernsey:
Completed in a time of 11 and a half hours, covering 30 miles and
climbing 6,150 feet.
22/02/2021 run a length of the cliffs:
Completed in a time of 4 hours 10 minutes, covering 15 miles and
climbing and descending 3,000 feet.
27/02/2021 run half marathon:
Completed in a time of 2 hours and ten minutes
03/04/2021 - Complete 100,000 steps:
Completed in 14 hours and 21 minutes, covering 48.5 miles.
12/06/2021 - 24 hour Ultra XL cliff challenge:
Completed 3 lengths of Guernsey's cliff paths in 17 hours covering 52 miles and climbed and descended 9,400 feet 'almost one third of the height of Mount Everest or climbing and descending Ben Nevis twice in 17 hours'.
26/09/2021 - Fathers Day Half Marathon:
Completed in a time of 2 hours and 22 minutes.
23/07/2022 - Run a length of the cliffs:
Completed in a time of 3 hours and 45 minutes, beating my
last attempt by 25 minutes.
21/07/2022 - Run 5k:
Completed in a time of 26.40 minutes.
11/09/2022 - Ultra XXXL Cliff Challenge:
Completed in 5 days, walked ten lengths of the Guernsey cliffs, covered 166 miles, walked 384094 steps, climbing and descending over 31800 feet (2800 feet higher the Mount Everest)
10/06/2023 - Walking twice the Saffery/Rotary walk, 74 miles in 24 hours:
Completed in 23 hours and 45 minutes. Started walking at 5.00pm on the 9th of June and finished at 4.45pm on the 10th, walked 151700 steps.
14/04/2024 Run the Sure Guernsey Marathon.
Completed in 5 hours and 8 minutes, had to keep stopping due to heart rate rising, my actual moving time was 4 hours and 40 minutes.
07/06/2024 - Before walking the Saffery/Rotary walk on the Saturday the 8th of June l will be attempting to cover twice around the island within 20 hours. I will start at 8.30am on Friday the 7th, this will be more of an ultra marathon so l will need to run as well as walking. My main aim is to cover 100 plus miles.
Not completed, after running the fist 20 miles on the road in 4 hours and ten minutes l stopped for a refreshment break.
I then started out on the cliff paths, after 3 miles I started to loose my coordination, feeling dizzy and stopped. I decided that being on the cliff paths wasn't the safest place to be.
The weather that day was very hot and after talking to my doctor l was told l was probably suffering from heat exhaustion. As soon as l got home I went to bed "around 4.00ish" I woke at 2.30 in the morning and felt like I could run a marathon. I joined the Saffery walk at 4.30 and completed the walk in 10 hours 20 minutes. Next year "2025" I will have another shot at the same challenge.
March 2025 - One million steps in the month of March
Accumulate a million steps over the 31 days.
April the 6th 2025 - Guernsey marathon.
Last year 5 hours 8 minutes, hopefully beat the 5 hours this time around.
May the 18th 2025 - GU36 Ultra run around the coast of Guernsey
June the 6th 2025 - attempt again the 100 miles, including the Saffery Walk
August - Donkey drop out.
Run 4miles on the strike of every hour until you drop out, last person standing is the winner.